Welcome everyone to the Nexus of All Realities – A Man-Thing podcast!

Are you ready for not-so-subtly named corporate businessmen? How about shirtless construction workers being racist? Or maybe Indians with Molotc cocktails? Well then, it’s time for Man-Thing!

Today’s episode is Adventure Into Fear #16, Cry of the Native!

There’s a whole mess of subjects in this episode from Native American land rights to ecology, pollution, worker’s rights, and much, much more. All are handled in the respectful, mindful way only 70s comics can do.

Also, I talk briefly about comic book crossover events and environmentalism in the 1970s. Okay, it’s a more snarky rant but it’s entertaining.  Probably. You let me know.

So give a listen and if you are so inclined why not leave a review and/or leave a comment? It’d be cool if you did.

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And as always thanks for listening everyone! Cheers.