Hooray! Another episode! And this new episode is all about cults in the 1970s. And more demons. And a jerk with a silly name. This episode has it all! It’s the first of a three-part story that brings back Thog, takes us to psychedelic nether-worlds, and continues Gerber’s world-building and mythology.

Now yes, there was a bit of a delay with this one but that had to do with the creation of a fancy-dancy new website at nexusofallrealities.com.  It’s pretty simple and pretty slick and in addition to the episodes (which are coming almost immediately), you will find some articles related to the podcast and to Man-Thing as well as some posts on comics in general.

There is also a feedback form where you can leave feedback. I love feedback. Do the feedback thing, you know you want to.

This site is going to grow, I have lots of plans for it and ideas for collaborations in the future and some features I want to add to the podcast, and – most importantly – much more time for recording and I can get on a relatively solid schedule and not be so haphazard in release time. So that’s cool and I’d love it if you checked that out and let me know what you think. Again, the feedback thing. Do it.

Give a listen and let me know what you think – did I mention I like feedback?

And if you’d like to contact the show, you have options:

And as always thanks for listening everyone! Cheers.