Welcome to episode 2 of Nexus of All realities – A Man-Thing Podcast.

This episode is a twofer as promised to cover Astonishing Tales #12 and #13. These issues are in fact Ka-Zar stories with Man-Thing acting as a supporting character, but a couple of interesting additions to the Man-Thing mythos are added here as such they are important to the character as a whole. Plus we get to learn some new things like:

  • The proper way to pronounce Ka-Zar
  • What John Buscema‘s Man-Thing looks like (not what you think)
  • Why the Man-Thing burns (hee-hee)
  • Who it was who took AIM on Ted Sallis (see what I did there?)
  • And most importantly…how to send me an email that is not spam (hint: [email protected])

So please give a listen and if you get a chance leave a comment in the comment section below. Or leave a review on iTunes or your podcast download thingy of choice. I hope you enjoy this episode and come back in two weeks for episode 3.

And if you’d like to contact the show, you have options:

And as always thanks for listening everyone! Cheers.