Okay, so here it is the not-quite-first episode. Yes, I have chosen to do Episode 0.

I know there are some out there who feel that zero episodes (or zero issues) are not really necessary and are a bit of a waste of time. Well, I’m pretty new to this whole podcast thing so I figured I should do a little introductory ramble to get started. But don’t fear – it’s short.

In this episode, I will introduce myself, talk a little about the character’s origins and giggle a bit when I say, “Giant-size Man-Thing.”

I also talk a little bit about why I wanted to do this program and heap some praise on Stephen Lacey and Andrew Leyland, the makers of the Fantasticast, for  – unbeknownst to them – providing the inspiration and motivation to do this.

Usually, this program will be every two weeks but since this episode is a bit light on the content I will be back next week with a proper episode covering Savage Tales #1 and the origin and introduction of Man-Thing.

And if you’d like to contact the show, you have options:

And as always thanks for listening everyone! Cheers.